Hi, guys! I noticed that aside from animations, I have not been posting any others works I've done in the past like 3D renders and music. So I took time this morning to upload all the stuff I made in 2024 so far. Sadly, I cannot upload GIFs of my 3D art because for some reason, I am always stuck with an uploading screen that takes forever. So I will instead be posting stills of it here.
As for future projects, I already have two scripts ready for some animations I will do in the future. The first one I'll be making is a funny wrestling animation (concept art of one of the characters is shown below), while another is a dramatic fantasy starring a fairy I made a few weeks back. I want to try and make more 2D animations going forward, similar to the style shown in my short film Candlewick but with added colors. I also want to experiment with other genres of script writing other than comedy because I feel like my funny bone is completely squeezed, and I have a ton of short stories I've written before that were more serious.
That is it for now guys! Now go read a book.